Feb 09 2013

Photo Finished

Published by at 7:22 am under Bullshit,Work

The Inner Me

Well, the record remains unbroken. Two good pictures of me in half a century. If I were playing professional baseball, I’d be batting…something really bad.

I hate the pictures for the website, but I’m stuck with them. I think I look like a lunatic in them. In the first one, which the photographer selected, I can almost hear Jack Nicholson hollering, “Heeeeere’s Suzy!”

Hide the kids and sharp implements!

On the other hand, my blow out does look fabulous. Ditto the pearls John gave me for my long ago 30th birthday. And to think I felt old then!

Megan combed through the photos with me, agreeing that they are unflattering. Before you say that my sister is prejudiced, I will tell you that she is the first to tell me if an outfit is unflattering or I don’t look good, feeling, very correctly, that it’s better to tell me so I can fix it before unleashing it on the unsuspecting public.

We think this is marginally better:

They might let me out of the straitjacket in that one.

I hesitated to even show these to you, but as I said, I’m stuck with one of them (not sure which) on the website, and I made such a big deal about it that I felt obligated to unveil the denouement.

After I finished crying over the pictures and the fact that they would be out there for anyone who googles to ridicule, I realized that the two pictures of me which I do like were both taken by men who loved me: the first by my beloved godfather, the one and only Spencer Steele, and the second by John. Maybe that’s the real secret of a good photo: the look of love.

8 responses so far

8 Responses to “Photo Finished”

  1. Alisonon 09 Feb 2013 at 8:01 am

    Hello, beautiful. I think I’m partial to the first photo. And I agree with your “look of love” comment.

  2. Guy Charbonneauon 10 Feb 2013 at 4:44 am

    I think all the above photos are great, one can never go wrong in wearing a smile, it’s how you feel inside your mind and soul that makes a person who she is, in your case I only see kindness and love for life.

  3. Aiméeon 10 Feb 2013 at 11:21 am

    I prefer the first one! You have more of a glow and your hair looks fantastic. The second is ashier – although, nothing a little photoshop can’t fix…

  4. suzyon 10 Feb 2013 at 12:12 pm

    I wish I’d had time to get highlights! And I really am NOT photogenic.

  5. Joyon 13 Feb 2013 at 5:49 am

    I favour photo #2. Suzy. I always Hate having photographs taken too., but hey, yours have turned out very well.

  6. Ericaon 13 Feb 2013 at 11:08 am

    I used to HATE getting my picture taken, I always looked like I fell off the short bus onto tarmac. A ridiculously gorgeous friend (I only hate her a little bit) told me that she could fix that. I was like, yeah right, I’m not wearing that much makeup. She said no, get a roll of film (yes, it was a while ago) and we’ll do a photoshoot. The thought of wasting a roll of film and development costs was daunting, but I went with it. We got dressed up and drove over the Ukiah road with stops for photos. She told me I had to LOVE the camera. I told her f* no, that thing hates me. She told me to think of the camera as chocolate, and learn to love it. The roll of photos is kind of wonderful, I go from horrible awkward to fairly cute as it progresses. Now when I see a camera I preen and pose and take a fairly good picture. It was a hard lesson to learn though. So I’m not surprised that your two best photos were taken by people you love, you were ignoring the camera and focusing on them. You could also try to love the camera for what it is, but it does take work. BTW, love you!

  7. Ericaon 13 Feb 2013 at 11:09 am

    Oh, I like the first one better. But you are SO much prettier than those pics, that wasn’t a great photographer.

  8. suzyon 15 Feb 2013 at 7:32 am

    We are both much prettier in person! And then there’s our wit and charm. 😉