Feb 17 2012


Published by at 9:14 am under Country Life,Family

Christopher Hayden: Thought our stomachs should start adjusting to French cuisine so I got us croissants and cafe au lait.

Lorelai Gilmore: I thought cafe au lait was Spanish.

Christopher Hayden: No, it’s French for coffee and milk. “Lait” is milk.

Lorelai Gilmore: Really? I thought it was cafe olé! Like ‘coffee, all right!’

— Gilmore Girls, 2006

Yesterday, I turned on the coffeemaker and the heater (in that order; it’s been cold enough to have the orchids in the house at night so the frost doesn’t ruin their budding blooms), and then went to feed the kitties. Arriving back in the kitchen, I checked on the coffee’s progress.

The light was on, but no-one, or at least no coffee, was home.

I peeked inside, wondering if I had forgotten to put water in. Nope. Water and coffee grounds were present and accounted for, but no hopeful brewing sounds were forthcoming.

I went back to the pantry/laundry room/cat dining room area and dug around in the cupboards, looking for the French press. No luck, though I discovered that I had coconut milk, which I had forgotten about, and found the silver polish.

I put shoes on and went over to Megan’s. I knew she would be home from work by then, but I was desperate enough to risk her wrath if I woke her up while stealing some of yesterday’s coffee.

I sneaked in, and was pleasantly surprised to find that there was a full pot of fresh coffee. Olé! I filled up a cup and was preparing to creep out when I heard Rob’s voice. Then Megan’s. Uh-oh.

It turned out that she had taken the night off, so they had just made coffee and were planning to drink it. So I stayed and we had coffee together, which was really nice – I can’t remember the last time we did that. It was a nice way to start the day.

Today is Rob’s permanent disability hearing in San Rafael. As I write, they are heading down the highway toward their 1:00 pm appointment. Apparently the judge has up to three months to make his or her ruling, so we almost certainly will not know today whether Rob will get his very modest monthly payments. But it still feels momentous.

Cross your fingers for us. I have to say I feel like we are due for a change in our luck, after the decade of bad luck and bad times that we have endured since our father’s death. Here’s hoping.

3 responses so far

3 Responses to “Olé”

  1. Guy Charbonneauon 18 Feb 2012 at 4:07 am

    My thoughts are going to be with Rob, he certainly deserves a positive response as he is so always ready to help others around him.

  2. Joyon 18 Feb 2012 at 9:40 am

    What are you going to do about your coffee-maker? I don’t think you will survive too long without it……or cou ld you?……

    Have good feelings about this court case…….


  3. suzyon 19 Feb 2012 at 9:00 am

    I unearthed the French press, but it’s such a pain that I remember why I got a regular coffee maker. Rob says he might be able to fix it if it’s just a wiring issue. Let’s hope!