Jan 10 2017


Published by at 4:32 am under Country Life,Weather,Work

It was sleep in your sweater night at stately Suzy Manor last night!

I accessorized my sleep sweater with the latest in sleep hats. It is so wrong to see your own breath in your own house.

The power obdurately continues to be out. We are solidly in Day Three now. Not only that, but we are also in the throes of Giant Storm II: the Sequel, with rain and wind bashing away relentlessly at the roof/walls even while we are still suffering the aftereffects of Giant Storm I. It’s like déjà vu all over again!

I don’t know when I will be able to post this, but I am writing it on Tuesday morning, when I should be at work. I took one look at the storm and texted my boss that I would not be braving the elements today. I’m not the only one. Yesterday, the local schools announced they would be closed today, and we moved our regularly scheduled Board meeting to next week. The Sheriff asked residents to stay home and off the roads if at all possible.

So I am sitting in bed under all the covers, wearing the hat, two sweaters, and two pairs of socks while my delicate pale breaths wreathe my delicate pale features.

I did make it to work on Monday despite the many downed trees on the Ridge, delightful surprises in the early morning darkness. I headed straight to the gym, where I took a hot shower and applied makeup and the other accoutrements of the convincingly faux adult. I guess we know what it takes to get me to go to the gym.

Even though I left home at 5:30 am, I didn’t get to work until after 7:00 am, so I clearly underestimated the amount of time needed to complete the grownupization process.

Our friends at PG&E have steadfastly declined to give an estimated time of restoration since long ago Day One, even while my coworkers all have power and I have seen on the local message boards the lights wink on across the county, just not in Hooterville. I think we are low priority, since we don’t have essential things like Safeway and the DMV like the Big Town does, and we aren’t a tourist attraction, like the Village. Also, so few people filled out their census forms last time that the official population of our town is 169. The PG&E map shows that 78 people are out of power in Hooterville, but I’m guessing it’s more like 1,000 or at least several hundred. When I drove home last night, the only lights I saw were on at the Gro.

At least I did a lot of cooking on Saturday and can heat up food on my (thankfully) gas stove, and spend some time with the cats and library books. Anyone want to make a bet on when/if the power will come back on, and whether it will remain that way once it does?

[Update: Power finally back on Wednesday morning. Hello, heat and light!]

A YEAR AGO: Consulting on Rob’s crumbling spine.

FIVE YEARS AGO: The technology problems continue. Rob gets a date for his disability hearing at last.

2 responses so far

2 Responses to “Tempestuous”

  1. Guyon 11 Jan 2017 at 6:08 am

    I hear you, sorry about the power outage Suzy, that’s a real problem when you cannot warm up in your own bed. I have to say that it’s been a tough winter down in Ottawa, we have had what we call a regular winter this year, lots of snow, lots of cold weather. So far over 200 cms of snow has fallen, and we have had days where it went down to minus 33, anxious for spring am I.

  2. Joy Fielderon 13 Jan 2017 at 6:39 pm

    So sorry to hear about your Power Outages, Suzy. Thank goodness you are able to cook with gas. A few years ago we were out of power for 5 days & we fortunately at that time had wood stoves, so that we, too , were able to cook and get some heat as well. Nowadays,we heat with propane gas heat . Sleeping is a problem for you though. Poor you. You didn’t mention that the cats had gathered around to heat up the bed for you!? Great idea to go to the gym & have a hot shower etc., Hope that the rest of the winter will not be so eventful for you.