Dec 04 2016


Published by at 8:08 am under Country Life,Family,Friends,Special Occasions

As is our post Thanksgiving tradition, Megan and I met Kalli and Jarrett at the annual craft fair in the Village.

The Village was packed, with sillier-than-usual visitors meandering all over the roads without looking for cars or even other pedestrians, and there was a theme of poorly trained kids and dogs with their utterly oblivious parents. Every time I encounter either of these breeds, my long-ago decision to keep them firmly out of my house is reaffirmed as being 100% correct, an unusual feeling for someone as decision-challenged as I am.

The crowds in the Arts Center were a little less madding. I loved the tomato sculpture:


And this little mushroom sculpture:


Note how the stem is patterned with little hands.

I loved how this was made simply, with sticks and pinecones, accented with a serendipitous Fall leaf:


It was fun to wander through the rooms of lovely things, admiring the skill of the artists. For a lightly populated area, we certainly have a lot of wonderful artists. I think the beauty of the area both draws them and inspires them.

We parted ways afterwards, with Jarrett and Kalli heading to meet their friends and Megan and I to run a couple of errands and stop by Rio’s place on the way home to repo some turkey. Megan had missed the memo that Jonathan was planning to make the carcass into soup on Saturday, and since she had paid for the turkzilla, she wanted some pre-soup leftovers. It seems that no matter how big a turkey she buys, she somehow never gets the leftovers. This year, she did, though.

Clayton, Rio, and Jonathan were hard at work painting the guest cottage at her estate. Clayton is a professional house painter, and it’s always a pleasure to watch an expert at work. They had a system going, with Clayton applying the paint with a very long handled roller and Rio and Jonathan applying the brushwork. Henry Ford would have been almost as proud of us as he would have been on cider making day, when our assembly line was a model of efficiency.

We headed home with Megan’s hard-won leftovers, Star wedged between our seats looking like a ship’s figurehead. It had been a good day.

A YEAR AGO: Lights in the darkness.

3 responses so far

3 Responses to “Artistic”

  1. Joy Fielderon 04 Dec 2016 at 9:13 am

    I am really glad that you moved into this neighbourhood – it sounds a great place to be & the plus is that you family nearby too.
    So pleased for you & the kitties…..I know that you will have a wonderful Christmas.

  2. suzyon 04 Dec 2016 at 11:10 am

    It was great seeing Jarrett and Kalli. It’s been a while!

    And yes, this is a magical place. I’m glad I moved here too. Looking forward to Christmas!

  3. Guyon 05 Dec 2016 at 6:01 am

    Magical indeed, as Joy said, enjoy the beauty and family that surrounds you, I’m also looking forward to Christmas, a great magical time of the year.