Jun 20 2016

Summer Job

Published by at 4:38 am under Cooking,Work

It’s a sunny Saturday morning, and I’m back to my old tricks again, working at the jobette.

Like last year, I will be working six days a week this summer, until Labor Day or until I can’t take it anymore, whichever comes first.

So when I got home from work on Friday, I started making future food while Rob put in a load of Megan’s laundry. It seems that insanity runs in the family, since she is working as a medic at a festival* in Anderson Valley Saturday and part of Sunday, then heading home for her usual night shifts in the ER. It’s how we roll.

Future food for the week included all’amatriciana sauce and sweet and spicy grilled chicken breasts, which I rubbed with the spice mixture to let it sit overnight and made the dipping sauce.

After I delivered Megan’s laundry, I made a Moscow Mule (ginger beer; lime; vodka) in one of my fox glasses and sat back to watch The Americans, a TV show about Soviet spies posing as an American family in 1980s Washington DC. Theme night! I am pleased to report that it was a much more successful cocktail outing than the mint julep experiment on Derby Day, though I wished I had the traditional copper cup for the Mule. Maybe a pretty silver cup would have improved my julep?

*She texted me from the festival: “70 year old men should not wear skin tight marijuana printed bike shorts. Splattered brains don’t scare me as much!”

A YEAR AGO: Unexpected wildlife visitors, inside and out.

2 responses so far

2 Responses to “Summer Job”

  1. Guyon 20 Jun 2016 at 3:18 pm

    Somehow reading your blog will make one want to eat after the read, such good food and drinks you guys put together, it makes my mouth water with envy. All of you guys seem so busy and the good food seems a good way to have some relax time, at the very least end the long days with great meals.

  2. Joy Fielderon 20 Jun 2016 at 5:00 pm

    You all sound as though you are gluttons for punishment!!!!!!

    What it is to be young….