Aug 25 2015

Dentists, Dogs, and James Dean

Published by at 4:59 am under Country Life,Friends

I had my filling replaced last week. It was about as unpleasant as you’d expect, though the old silver (really more grey or black looking) filling has been replaced by an almost invisible tooth colored one. With all the strides in medical and dental technology, you’d think they would have found a way to decrease or do away with the high pitched noises and make-up destroying water sprays, but apparently not. I still kind of wish they could just knock you out, like they do for dogs undergoing any kind of dental procedure*. Ignorance (or least unconsciousness) can be bliss.

At least the freezing wore off in time for me to join some friends for a glass or two of local wine at a soiree at a historic inn, which just happens to be on my way home. Of course, it also happened to be the only day this week that I wasn’t marooned behind several slow-moving cars, so I was almost regretful as I turned off the beautifully empty highway.

The regret wore off as I was warmly greeted by my friends, who were standing near the Audubon-certified golf course. It’s nice to know that something as man-made and man-centric as a golf course can still be respectful of the wildlife in the area. And there can’t be too many ocean-view golf courses. The Inn itself hosted James Dean when he was here filming “East of Eden” and horrifying the current inn owner’s grandfather with his shocking language, t-shirts, and putting his booted feet on the bar.

*We also keep people alive way longer and in more horrible circumstances than we do our pets. Not sure exactly what to make of this.

A YEAR AGO: A door to door tree delivery. Yes, you read that right. A tree.

6 responses so far

6 Responses to “Dentists, Dogs, and James Dean”

  1. Guyon 25 Aug 2015 at 1:22 pm

    Going to the dentist has never been a pleasant experience, what with the above mention reasons and the cost of it all. Thankfully, you were able to meet friends to have a pleasant time with. Lets hope your next visit to the dentist will be a long time coming.

  2. Timon 25 Aug 2015 at 5:43 pm

    What to make of it, indeed. At least we don’t put down our old folks as handily as we put down our pets. “East of Eden” is one of my favorite movies (and books).

  3. Suzyon 26 Aug 2015 at 6:44 am

    In my family we have always had a hard time letting go of our pets, and have sometimes waited too long. It’s so hard to walk that line! I guess I was thinking that no one would have put a pet through what my mom went through in her battle against cancer.

    I love Steinbeck, too. Ever since I was a kid.

    And yes, I hope it’s awhile before I’m back in the dentist’s chair! 😉

  4. Timon 26 Aug 2015 at 8:20 pm

    I fully understand, so difficult to watch any living thing suffer so much. I went through terminal cancer with two people close to me in the last couple of years constantly drifting back and forth between anger and tears. As far as Steinbeck, we are kindred spirits, I think.

  5. Suzyon 27 Aug 2015 at 3:32 pm

    I think you’re right!

  6. Timon 29 Aug 2015 at 3:07 pm
