Dec 21 2011


Published by at 7:05 am under Cats,Country Life,Special Occasions

Clyde in a tree

At first, the kitties ignored the tree. Seriously. They came in from their outdoor play, sniffed at it, and repaired to their usual evening spots: the couch by the heater (Clyde); the bed in front of the heater (Roscoe); nested into the pillows on the bed (Audrey).

But as time went by, they got more interested. Most mornings, I’d wake up to find an ornament or two rolling around on the floor. Maybe it’s because yesterday I added a star, some clear snowflake ornaments, and a string of white lights:

Here’s a close-up of the snowflake ornaments:

The star and snowflakes were half price at Rite Aid, probably because they figured most people weren’t still decorating their trees a few days before Christmas. But they reckoned without my amazing procrastination talents.

This morning, while waiting for it to get light enough outside to let the boys out, Clyde decided to get in some indoor tree climbing practice. I think it’s a credit to Rob that the tree stand could stand this.

2 responses so far

2 Responses to “Treed”

  1. Guy Charbonneauon 21 Dec 2011 at 1:43 pm

    Cats will be attracted to anything that shines like a star or ornaments, I also guess they are getting into the mood after all.

  2. LisaBon 21 Dec 2011 at 6:26 pm

    cats and christmas trees are so unpredictable together. sometimes they ignore them completely, othertimes, they’ve climbed right into them in 0.2 seconds flat! as long as they’re having fun, that’s what we’re here for, right?