Jun 06 2011


Published by at 5:52 am under Family,Special Occasions

Megan’s gorgeous nails, complete with flower. And no, they are not fake. Apparently she’s been asked that a lot.

And the pie she made me from the farmer’s market peaches:

5 responses so far

5 Responses to “Updates!”

  1. Joyon 06 Jun 2011 at 6:29 pm

    How can you have such nails….and work…..& cook……Wow!

    Those nails are quite the work of art. The pie looks good enough to eat…mm…mmm….. I’m sure it didn’t last too long.

    Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend.


  2. guyon 07 Jun 2011 at 3:07 am

    Beautiful nails, the pie also looks great, wish I had someone to make me one, I’m a good cook but pies are not my forte.

  3. Alisonon 07 Jun 2011 at 4:45 am

    Wow, wish my nails would grow like that. I missed your birthday, Suzy, so happy belated! I also dreamt that you were the author of a series of gentle mysteries, which we carried in my bookstore. And one day I just discovered these Suzy Says books on the shelf, and you had NEVER MENTIONED THEM. LOL

  4. suzyon 07 Jun 2011 at 5:46 am

    Both of our manicures have lasted (so far), but not the pie! It’s history!

  5. suzyon 07 Jun 2011 at 5:47 am

    Megan has great nails!

    I love that dream! Maybe it will come true one day….

    Thanks to everyone for the birthday wishes. Love you all!