Archive for February 1st, 2011

Feb 01 2011

Take a Break!

Published by under Country Life

Yesterday was a busy work day. One of the great things about working at home, besides the decided casualness of dress, is being able to throw in a load of laundry while you do it. Or take a break and go for a walk, which is what I did yesterday. It’s supposed to be good for your mental health.

Why don’t you come along with me? Then you won’t feel quite so trapped at your desk, even if you are.

It was a lovely morning on the Ridge:

We had rain on Saturday and through Sunday morning, when it departed in a glory of blue skies. It looks like there are two inches of rain in the gauge, but I’m not sure if I emptied it out the last time it rained, which was probably a month ago.

A stand of eucalyptus trees among pines. Note the distinctive bare trunks:

I literally bent over backwards to show you how tall the trees are:

Anything for my adoring fans.

I liked the look of the black winter trees, festooned with Old Man’s Beard, against the cool, clear blue of the sky:

And this little spiderweb in a huckleberry bush:

The manzanita are beginning to bud:

All of the six cars which passed me on the walk, coming and going, were pick-ups. Country living.

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