Jan 25 2011


Published by at 11:50 am under San Francisco

First, the medical updates: A has been moved back to the original hospital, since she no longer needs the special equipment at the second hospital. They are considering giving her a tracheotomy so they can remove the ventilator. C says this is a good sign, but it doesn’t sound like it to me. As soon as Megan wakes up, I’ll check with her and see what she says.

The horror hand is slowly deflating and is less painful. At least I can hold a shopping bag now, which I think we can all agree is a big step forward. It was nice to walk a couple of blocks in the bright sunshine, with the wild parrots clattering overhead, and buy kitten food and other things not readily available in Hooterville. It was also nice to have bare arms in late January.

I did an excellent job of forgetting things when I packed for this trip. I left my camera and my business cards behind, and mixed up the Noir Festival showings so I arrived here when the movies I have already seen were playing. There’s always next year.

2 responses so far

2 Responses to “Forgetful”

  1. Guyon 26 Jan 2011 at 4:54 am

    So glad to hear A is getting a little better, being young has its benefits, I will continue to send her good thoughts.

  2. Mikeon 26 Jan 2011 at 5:12 am

    Bummer news re: the trip. Hope it was enjoyable otherwise.