Dec 22 2010


Published by at 7:22 am under Country Life

The other thing that happened on Weird Sunday was that the phone line expired. Or quit. Or went on strike.

Anyway, the phone didn’t work.

When Megan called me, it just rang and rang, so she came over to investigate and found me in the previously mentioned dizzy state. The power was already out, so she tried the Bat Phone (the see-through corded one I have for the inevitable power outages every winter), but got no dial tone.

She sent Rob over, and he spent some time checking things and stuff outside and inside, before finally saying that whatever was wrong was beyond his considerable abilities. This both surprised me and made me realize that I finally have the ideal phone: one that never rings.

So I fired up my cell phone, and have been using it ever since. The down side to this is leaving it on all the time, instead of checking it a couple of times a day for messages. It has a distressing propensity for ringing, usually at inopportune moments, since it’s my work phone. But at least I’m not totally incommunicada.

Someone is coming out to check on/fix the phone tomorrow, sometime between 8 am and 8 pm. If they get here during the latter part of the twelve hour picture window they have allotted themselves, they’re going to have a really hard time seeing anything out there in the country style darkness. Also, I hope they call me for directions, since there’s more than one house at this address.

At this point, though, I’m kind of wondering why I’m having it repaired at all. I haven’t really missed it, and it would save me $35 a month if I just cancelled it. And cell phones allow you to send a call straight to voicemail, unlike regular phones (why is that?). Does anyone really need both a cell phone and a landline?

One response so far

One Response to “Phony”

  1. Guyon 23 Dec 2010 at 4:16 am

    Some of us are so use to the landline, I know I could not go without mine but todays generation swear by the cell phones, they cannot leave the house without, oh well tmes have changed.