Archive for October 23rd, 2010

Oct 23 2010

The Miracle

Published by under Cats

You have to see it to believe it!

Audrey was sleeping on one side of the bed, and Clyde was on the other. I was putting laundry away when I saw Audrey get up and walk over to Clyde. Instead of the hissing and cuffing I expected, she sat down right next to him:


And started giving him a bath:


At this point, I ran to get the camera, hoping that they wouldn’t, in the perverse manner of cats, stop being cute before I captured said cuteness for posterity.

They didn’t:


In fact, they stayed like this for hours:


Of course, all bets were off once they woke up. Audrey went back to her usual growling and Clyde ran away as usual. But maybe, just maybe, it was a breakthrough in their relationship. After all, Audrey approached him first.

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