Archive for October 18th, 2010

Oct 18 2010


Published by under Cats,Country Life

Study in curves

Well, I have a cold and a half.

It’s hard to diagnose accurately, since I now have year-round allergies. It’s all this Nature, I’m telling you. I never had allergies when surrounded by nice, healthy concrete and skyscrapers.

But yesterday, I realized that the headache, body ache and sore throat, along with all the sneezing, coughing, and nose blowing, meant that I was sick. And then there was that stoned feeling, and not in a good way.

So I spent the day in bed, surrounded by kitties. For the first time I can remember, all three were on the bed, with only the occasional hiss from Audrey. I was amazed that Audrey spent nearly five hours curled up on the bed. It may have had something to do with the fact that it was cold and foggy yesterday (whereas today is all blue skies and open doors), but I like to think they knew I wasn’t feeling well and wanted to keep me company as I sneezed and watched “The OC” all day.

The most strenuous things I have done today were heat up chicken noodle soup (while wishing it was the much more fun chicken and stars) and pour ginger ale. I’m still wearing my kitty PJs at 3:00.

Maybe I’ll feel better tomorrow.

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