Sep 07 2010

Growing Up

Published by at 10:30 am under Cats

Rooftop Roscoe

The boys don’t turn three months old until tomorrow, but they’re celebrating a little early.

I came downstairs this morning to find that they had overturned an entire glass of water onto my terminally ill camera, performing a liquid coup de grace.

Later in the morning, after I let the cats out, I noticed that Roscoe had caught a mouse. After the obligatory scream, I closed all the doors so that kitten and rodent couldn’t come back in. He must have played with it for almost an hour. Finally, he left it on the back deck, and I got a rake to remove it. It turned out to be a mole, which for some reason I found much less horrifying.

I was slicing a bagel when Clyde jumped up on the counter to help me. It can’t be much longer until they jump onto the washer to help themselves to Audrey’s food. They really are growing up fast.

3 responses so far

3 Responses to “Growing Up”

  1. Joyon 07 Sep 2010 at 2:30 pm

    As I’ve noticed before…never a dull moment.!!


  2. Guyon 08 Sep 2010 at 4:30 am

    These young cats are going to keep you going, they are full of energy and like Joy says, never a dull moment for a long while for Suzy.

  3. Aiméeon 17 Sep 2010 at 1:08 pm

    Moles can be so ugly they’re cute! I remember when I was young, my father would catch them and “dispose” of them. Once I figured out what that meant, I’d always offer to keep them in a bucket till he caught them all, and then I’d run down to the other end of the neighborhood to release them in an empty lot.