Jun 05 2010

Birthday Loot

Published by at 2:24 pm under Cats,Henry,Special Occasions

Flowers from the farmers’ market:


A beautiful card from the girls:


So true!

The lamp of my dreams. It’s from Monica’s store of fabulosity, and I have longed for it for months. It was well out of my price range, but Lu and Megan chipped in and got it for me! I cried. It’s handmade, with buttons and iridescent beading:


A close-up:


It adds a touch of civilization to the sleeping loft. And it goes perfectly with my duvet cover, seen here, modeled by Henry and June.

Speaking of June: I haven’t seen her all day, and I have to admit to a certain level of anxiety. Unlike most cats, June does indeed come when she’s called – at least, most of the time – and she has never, to my knowledge, let a feeding time go by without paying its due attention. She skipped breakfast, and as I write, I have yet to see so much as her little pink nose or a white paw.

I have called her and looked through the bushes near the house, Junk Alley, and the logging road to no avail. I asked Mark, and he said that she didn’t venture as far as their house, but he’d keep an eye open. I went all the down to my brother’s old house at the very end of the driveway, but nothing.

Given the kitty mortality rate lately (Henry; my friend Dali’s cat Delpi; my niece and nephew’s 18 year old cat Tiffy; and Rose’s lovely old cat Gertie), I can’t help but worry. Think good thoughts that my little June Bug comes home safe and sound. And soon.

3 responses so far

3 Responses to “Birthday Loot”

  1. Caton 06 Jun 2010 at 10:45 am

    Aww!! It’s all so pretty!! That lamp is beautiful. There’s nothing like knowing yours is one of a kind.

    June’s probably off adventuring. She’s been outside for a while now and confident enough to wander a bit further. Sometimes we wouldn’t see Tiffy for days and then one morning there she’d be, demanding food.

  2. Joyon 06 Jun 2010 at 2:30 pm

    I agree with Cat……we also missed one of our cats for a couple of days…he was trapped in a neighbour’s garage – the neighbour was away at that time.. Remember that cats have 9 lives…

    I like your new lamp…..very nice.


  3. Guyon 07 Jun 2010 at 12:43 pm

    No time for much of a comment but to thank you for the hugs, will have more comments later when the pain is less of a burden, thanks for thoughts Suzy.