May 18 2010
Steller’s Jay
I looked up from my work to see a slightly stunned and stunning Steller’s Jay sitting on the back deck. It had flown into my sliding glass doors. He must have needed glasses, because I can tell you for a fact that they are not Windex-clean. I watched him for a little while, and he flew to a nearby bush and started yelling at somebody about something, so I figured he was OK. It’s surprising how loud a bird can be.
And how they can take up an entire lane in a two-lane road. I had to go around a turkey vulture who was feasting on Ridge roadkill the other day. He saw me, too. He merely looked up as if to say, “Can’t ya see I’m eatin’ here?” I imagined a James Cagney accent, maybe because I’ve been watching so many old movies lately.
Roadkill hasn’t been the only attraction for carrion eaters lately. I noticed that the doughnut shop had become quite popular with these types. Before you start picturing a Krispy Kreme stand in the middle of nowhere, I hasten to add that this is a local nickname for a large clearing by the side of the road where bored kids like to do doughnuts. It’s also a spot where people see fit to dump things like old trailers, recliners, and, in this case…pig parts. Apparently someone had butchered a hog and didn’t know what to do with the head and other et ceteras. Fortunately the crows and vultures were making quick work of the buffet.
When I got home, Mark was there, installing my new-ish washer and taking away the old, clothes-eating one. He said that he and his family are hosting a couple of Japanese exchange students this week. Although the two visitors don’t speak English, and Mark’s girls don’t speak Japanese, they find a way to communicate. He said they were up until 11:00 the previous night, talking and giggling. I guess girl talk is universal.