Mar 27 2010

Dew Drop Inn

Published by at 12:17 pm under Cats,Country Life,Family

New cat door!

Rob turned up while I was still sipping my coffee and regaining consciousness. If you ever visit, just walk right in. Don’t bother to knock. The door doesn’t have a lock, anyway, so come on in. Everyone else does.

Of course, if I’ve gone to town (aka the Three Hour Tour), it could be a long wait. Good thing for you there are books, movies, and magazines galore. And cats to let in and out, even though they now have their very own cat door in the door leading to the balcony.

That’s why Rob stopped by, to install the cat door. While I woke up slowly, he installed the door upstairs. It’s very relaxing to watch other people work, I find.

Afterwards, I asked him to put up tiebacks for the curtains in the living room, and he:

  • Pointed out that they were made in China, something of which he does not approve for many reasons;
  • Pointed out that they have a serious design flaw when it comes to installing them – it’s nearly impossible to get the screwdriver at the appropriate, weird angle (though he did manage it in the end);
  • Made fun of the entire tiebacks concept. After all, he is a boy.

They look great, by the way.

When the chores were finished, we watched the news together for a while, and then he went on his way. I made a mental note to buy him some beer to say thanks and was glad yet again to have Rob in my life, even unexpectedly and first thing in the morning.

4 responses so far

4 Responses to “Dew Drop Inn”

  1. Joyon 27 Mar 2010 at 5:21 pm

    The men in your family sound like real gems…..


  2. Guyon 28 Mar 2010 at 3:47 am

    Goos for Rob, he sure sounds like a nice guy and his work looks great, I like the cat door, a handyman for sure.

  3. Mikeon 28 Mar 2010 at 7:39 am

    I would LOVE a cat door but I guess they’re not so practical in this climate.

  4. suzyon 28 Mar 2010 at 9:10 am

    Use it in the summer and close/lock it in the winter maybe?