Jan 10 2010


Published by at 5:53 pm under Cooking,Country Life,Henry

In the night garden

On Friday night, Megan made her famous Chicken Makhani (Indian butter chicken) and naan (finally using the pizza stone). If you want Indian food up here, you have to make it yourself, and Megan has it down pat. I helped her as best I could, but I mostly got in the way. I was useful for opening wine, though.

After dinner, we left Rob happily watching the original Star Trek*, undoubtedly enjoying the peace and quiet after the gabbling girls decamped to my garden.

It was still mysteriously warm, so we sat by the chiminea with our glasses of wine under a galaxy of stars. We left the sliding glass doors open so we could listen to music outside. The cats were thrilled to be allowed out – much like little kids staying up late on special occasions – and we had the outside lights on at the back and side of the house. We figured they’d be safe with the fire, lights and music.

When we were ready to go in, I lured them in with treats. It was the first time they’d had them since we moved, and they went nuts, especially Henry Etta. Lately I’ve been letting them out after dinner if they want to, as long as they’re back by bedtime. You know how kids need curfews. I’ve also started letting Audrey out when she wakes me up and then going back to bed. Today it was 4:30 am. She didn’t come back until after 9:00. I have a feeling that I’m not going to see her much once summer comes.

*Having now seen a couple of episodes, I finally understand the appeal for high school nerd boys. There seems to be an endless supply of babes in tight and/or revealing outfits with fabulous hairdos. What’s not to love?

2 responses so far

2 Responses to “Soiree”

  1. Joyon 10 Jan 2010 at 6:21 pm

    Lovely photo.
    Cooking obviously runs through your family…..What a handy gene to have… Maybe between the three of you, you could put together a cookbook. I’m full of good ideas!!???

    You really are living in a super place…..


  2. Guyon 11 Jan 2010 at 4:36 am

    I bet you find it nice to be able and have a nice meal in the backyard considering what you had to put up with in your Oakland backyard, and with family to boot.