Nov 13 2009


Published by at 9:13 am under Calamity Suzy,Cats,Henry

doorlightMorning light

The past couple of nights I’ve dared to sleep in my bed, although for some reason it makes my aches achier. But I couldn’t handle the Elephant Man thing of sleeping partly sitting up on the couch anymore. Why is life full of unpleasant choices instead of, say, one fun’n’easy option? Hmmm?

In the morning, I hobble carefully down the stairs, clinging to the driftwood banister to prevent any further fragility and the girls follow me – or precede me – in their headlong rush to the “front” door. If you’re wondering what the deal is with my irritating quotes (at least they aren’t air quotes!), it’s because the door is at the side of the house. But it’s the one we all use to come and go, including the cats. Except when they use the sliding glass doors in the living room.

I let June and Audrey out before going to make coffee and turning up the spectacularly ineffective propane heater. No matter how cold or wet it is outside, they bound out happily, looking for trouble and fun wherever they can find it. Henry, on the other hand, prefers to huddle by the heater or cuddle up with me as I read my fan mail. He is superbly unperturbed by the girls calling him a mama’s boy.

I have come to know who is coming down the stairs by the sound. June busy and bustling; Audrey light and graceful; Henry has a characteristic drag in his back leg, whether he’s walking or running, probably from a past injury.

Lately, Henry has taken to drinking from my ever-present water glass. June used to be the only one who did it; now they all do. It’s as if Audrey is copying her big sister and Henry figures that’s what inside cats do.

The girls come back in for breakfast, which is the usual mêlée, and then I let them out again. And in again. Lather, rinse, repeat. My sister says, “Cats are New Yorkers at heart – they all want doormen.”

2 responses so far

2 Responses to “Routine”

  1. Joy Fielderon 13 Nov 2009 at 3:57 pm

    Sounds as though the cats have had no trouble in settling in….what’s with the heating system not heating very well……I thought it never got cold out there!!! Well, not cold as a Canadian thinks.
    Would it be better to have a double lot of driftwood rails….maybe this would make you feel more secure. It does look a bit fragile with that single rail. Just a thought.


  2. Guyon 14 Nov 2009 at 4:22 am

    Glad to hear that you finally got to sleep in your bed, hope the aches don’t stop you from getting some sleep for too much longer. Looks like Henry is still keeping an eye on you, after all, he’s the man of the house and seems to have fully adapted his role.