May 16 2009


Published by at 1:30 pm under Uncategorized

Suggested additions to Oakland’s Wikipedia page:

Sounds: Barking dogs, bass-booming cars

Symbols: Shopping cart people, potholes

Mayor: McCheese

Hobbies: Homicide, foreclosures

2 responses so far

2 Responses to “Wickedpedia”

  1. Joy Fon 16 May 2009 at 4:42 pm

    Nuff said !!!!!!!!!


  2. Colinon 17 May 2009 at 10:26 am

    Haha, sounds a lot like my neighborhood. Rogers Park in Chicago is described by a bunch those real-estate code words, like “up-and-coming,” “diverse,” “colorful,” “vibrant.”

    Here, we say that we’re “gentrifying” and “improving” by filling potholes and installing parking meters. Plus, our CTA stop just got a new paint job. Of course, it still smells like urine, but the walls and ceiling look great.