Dec 07 2008

Christmas Present

Published by at 4:45 pm under Uncategorized

I could use an elf or two. Any volunteers?

I thought today would be a good day to put up the Christmas tree. I ventured into the creepy crawl space* under the house, found the battered old Gimbels box, and hastened up the stairs, convinced that mice and spiders were pursuing me. Since the crawl space was apparently made for midgets, I managed to bump my head on the way out, probably losing valuable brain cells in the process.

I could have used them, because setting the tree up was more challenging than I remembered. It’s an artificial one, painted white with branches that are inserted/screwed into the trunk. It’s harder than you’d think to hold it up and put the branches in, especially with the kittens “helping”. You can hardly blame them, since it’s the first Christmas tree they’ve ever seen (and maybe their last). I had envisioned the tree twinkling and the candles in the fireplace shining while I sipped wine and listened to the soundtrack from “A Charlie Brown Christmas”, but so far, it looks like only the wine part is going to come true tonight.

On the other hand, I do have my coordinating wreath up.

*California houses rarely, if ever, have basements.

4 responses so far

4 Responses to “Christmas Present”

  1. Helgaon 07 Dec 2008 at 7:28 pm

    You have a white wreath. In Oakland. Yeah….


    We saw a pink fake xmas tree in a store the other day, I can’t tell you how very, very tempting it was to get the hot pink tree, it was AWESOME!

  2. Mikeon 08 Dec 2008 at 9:33 am

    Good ole Vince Guaraldi; Christmas would never be the same without listening to A Charlie Brown Christmas.

  3. Joy Fielderon 08 Dec 2008 at 3:24 pm

    Love the wreath….. Good luck with your tree ornaments!! Don’t put out your favourite ones…. We lost quite a few when the cats were young – we still cannot put any on the bottom branches….GOOD LUCK!!


  4. Kathleenon 10 Dec 2008 at 7:49 am

    I haven’t even put the silver jingle bell wreath on the door yet – which is the extent of my Christmas “decorating.”

    Between my excessive laziness (to say nothing of a complete lack of Christmas tree/ornaments/decorations) and the cats and mess that is my apt, it just doesn’t happen.

    Besides, nobody comes over to see it…why bother?