May 04 2005

Strippers & Showers

Published by at 10:57 am under City Life

Yesterday, it was marigolds. Orange and variegated orange and red. Should I set a trap for the Secret Gardener? They probably don’t make Hav-A-Hearts that big, so I’d probably end up with a giant net &agrave la Gilligan’s Island with a screaming do-gooder inside who has instaneously turned into a do-badder. The curiosity is killing me, like the proverbial cat.

Still no hot water. The fact that my English grandfather used to have a cold bath every morning with the window open (and lived to be well into his 80’s) is not at all comforting. Neither is showering at the gym, especially after seeing that Seinfeld episode where George pees in the shower at the gym. Like I wasn’t already horrified by stepping into the damp, already used cubicle, trying not to think about bacteria and foreign hairs. Like showers weren’t already bad enough. I am longing for a warm, luscious, Lush-filled bath, the complete antithesis of my grandfather’s.

I’d even like to do the dishes…without having to boil water first. This is getting to be too much like camping. The only camp I’m even remotely interested in is the campy Batman kind. They really raised the camp ante on an episode I recently saw, with Julie Newmar (totally the best Catwoman) and famed stripper Gypsy Rose Lee (with all her clothes on, as a newspaper reporter), in the same episode.

After spending all that time in Florida, I belatedly learned that the only stripper school in the whole USA is located in Clearwater, just a short drive from where I was staying. Alas, and dang.

The Miss Exotic World pageant is being held on my birthday. How Suzy is that? Since I didn’t celebrate my birthday last year, I think I should celebrate it twice as much this year. Only 30 shopping days left! Think sparkly!

4 responses so far

4 Responses to “Strippers & Showers”

  1. Amberon 04 May 2005 at 8:27 am

    I have to wear shower shoes otherwise it’s a no go having a shower at the gym. And absolutely nothing that touches my body can touch the floor/walls. It’s quite the dance to keep all things Amber away from all things revolting.

  2. Mikeon 04 May 2005 at 8:57 am

    …Catwoman…(insert Homer Simpson drooling sound here)….

  3. Kathleenon 05 May 2005 at 5:14 am

    You need to hie theeself immediately to Target or some variation thereof (but not Wal-Mart, the Evil Empire) and buy yourself a $2.00 pair of flip flops to wear in the shower.

    Marigolds? How lovely. How large is your window box anyway???

  4. Candion 06 May 2005 at 4:19 pm

    Hehehe, that’s so awesome that someone keeps bringing you flowers!