May 01 2005

Published by at 6:16 pm under Uncategorized

Well, well.

At some point during my {so far ineffective} beauty sleep last night, someone put pots of hydrangeas and lavender in my window box. Taking pity on Me and my black thumb? Or the empty window box, now that Spring has {supposedly} sprung? Oooh, maybe it was a secret admirer!

4 responses so far

4 Responses to “”

  1. LisaBon 01 May 2005 at 11:30 pm

    That’s wonderful! That’s a great way to put a smile on some stranger’s face – put a few flowers in their window box., I’ll have to remember that…. although maybe I should think about putting flowers in my own boxes first… or at least pulling out the dead remains of the old plants.

  2. Mikeon 02 May 2005 at 9:05 am

    While you were sleeping? Ooooo…you’ve been visited by the Midnight Gardener!

  3. Kathleenon 02 May 2005 at 11:10 am

    What a pleasant surprise to which to awake from your oh so successful beauty sleep!!!!

  4. Candion 03 May 2005 at 8:05 am

    I need a Midnight Gardener to visit me, because I went and looked at the prices of pre-potted flower baskets and pots and holy SHIT, that’s a whole lotta money to spend when you’re not sure you’ll be able to keep them alive or not!