Jan 01 2005
Last year, my resolutions were to get a job, and to figure out the whole spiritual thing.
Who was I kidding?! Greater minds than the fluff that passes for mine haven’t been able to figure out the spiritual thing for hundreds, even thousands of years. That one was waaay too ambitious. On the other hand, I’m partially employed, so I did sort of keep at least one resolution.
And I’ve become bi…coastal, that is. Like Kimberly Guilfoyle. Except I’m not on TV, I’m not a lawyer, I’m not a size 0, I’m not a brunette (really! I swear!), I’m not a wealthy socialite (yet), I’m not married to a famous and powerful man who is prettier than I am.
OK, nothing like Mrs. Newsom. Just like Me.
Good things about job:
– Part time (for now, anyway)
– Boss is old friend
– I mostly work at home
– Which means I don’t have to get dressed unless I’m leaving the house (I am considerate of the general public)
– I seem to end up working at weird times, but Boss doesn’t mind (he does the same thing)
– I get to travel
Bad things about job:
– Since it’s part time AND a start-up, I make a laughable (or cryable) amount of money
– Boss is great guy but a flake, so unreasonable deadlines can and do appear, along with sudden summons to be in another city ASAP
– Grooming standards have fallen to just above the level of the average street person
– I have to travel, exposing my delicate sensibilities to the horror of air travel
Worst thing of all: I had to get a PC to run financial software. It’s like having a small Egyptian curse in the house. And my iBook gets all huffy because I’m cheating on it with someone who is just so much less attractive, like Diana and Camilla. I’m trying to keep them separated so no catfights ensue.
Resolutions for 2005: Answer my emails before they molder and become a health hazard. And blogwalk, as the fabulous Michelle would say. more often.
Happy New Year, everyone! May it be healthy, happy, and (hopefully) peaceful.