Jul 11 2004
Domestically Disabled
Proof, if any were needed, of how very domestically disabled I am – one of my birthday tributes was this mug, so it appears to be a matter of common knowledge – is at hand. In attempting to toast a crumpet (well, I am half-English) in the toaster oven, I managed to set the crumpet and the toaster oven on fire.
It was a mini-inferno before I even noticed, and once I did, I had no idea what to do. Throw water on it? Maybe that makes it worse, though. Do I even have baking soda – doesn’t that work? Why don’t I have a fire extinguisher? Is there a responsible adult in the house who could fix this for me? Now? All these thoughts scurried rapidly through my petite mind – they didn’t have far to travel – and finally what I did was grab an oven mitt, then the hunka hunka burning appliance, and toss everything outside. The rain put it out for me.
Toaster oven is a write-off, and the outlet into which it was plugged looks a little Dali and is no longer white. As if all this weren’t embarrassing enough, my brother is a volunteer fireman. Don’t tell on me, ‘K?
7 Responses to “Domestically Disabled”
Speaking of Dali – I’m going to the Lord Beaverbrook gallery on Wednesday and will be spotting this Dali and three others. I’m very much looking forward to this.
You are so lucky, Babs! I’m a huge Dali fan and one day I hope to get to Tampa to see the Dali museum there.
I’m glad the house didn’t burn down. And since it didn’t, I allowed myself a good laugh :).
You probably needed a new toaster oven anyway!
Love your mug. Do they have one for directionally challenged people? I’m ok with toasters, but can’t find my way to anywhere.
Have a nice evening. And maybe you should consider ordering out.
Fabulous mug!
Just as a point of reference, every freaking toaster oven I’ve owned has met its demise in a fiery blaze of glory that ended with me (or Sweetie) yanking it from the wall and throwing it out in the yard. And I’m pretty domestically able.
I second Kathleen, Babs! Tell us all about it!
Well, you can cook better than me. 😀 😉