Jul 12 2004

Burn baby burn

Published by at 10:13 pm under Uncategorized


This could be a good investment for me. My burning isn’t just confined to appliances – I am on my second sunburn of the summer, and we aren’t even halfway though July. First the ballpark burn, and now a burn I actually acquired through my clothes. Did anyone know this was possible? The ozone layer must be thinner than Kate Moss.

3 responses so far

3 Responses to “Burn baby burn”

  1. Candion 13 Jul 2004 at 6:50 am

    Ha, yeah, you can burn through your clothes. They even have detergent that you can buy and wash your clothes with it that will semi-sun-proof them. I don’t have to worry about it because I typically wear black, but I’ve been burned when wearing light-colored clothes plenty of times when I was younger. 🙂

  2. bluepoppyon 13 Jul 2004 at 8:12 am

    Oh–ouchie! You must have very delicate skin — a descendant of Cleopatra or some other royal– clearly! *smile*

  3. Nickon 13 Jul 2004 at 7:59 pm

    I don’t like sunburns, but wow, mine pale (not really) in comparison to yours. I heard about it being possible, but I’d never experience it myself.