May 14 2004


Published by at 1:43 pm under Random Thoughts

I don’t know if it’s part of the whole blogger’s block thang, but I seem to be incapable of accomplishing much, if anything at all, during my waking hours these days. Yet the time blurs by magically. Where the hell did the week go? I think, as I realize that today is in fact Friday again.

Here’s the sum total of my accomplishments du jour:

– Sent a birthday card.

– Actually put in contacts and applied make-up for a change.

– Bought a pair of completely adorable and utterly unnecessary shoes.

– Replenished the wine supply.

– Tried to call my Mom (no answer, so no credit, since she doesn’t have an answering machine or voicemail).

– Got money out of the bank.

That’s pretty much it, and it’s almost dinner time. Am I in a time warp or a wrinkle in time or something?

2 responses so far

2 Responses to “Blocking?”

  1. Colinon 14 May 2004 at 7:23 pm

    Haha, your “got money out of the bank” reminded me of a skit I saw on SNL. Maybe you saw it. It was about how the true key to happiness in life is money, and ALL you have to do to get money is go to the bank and withdraw it.

    “But how does the money get into the bank?” someone asked.

    “That’s simple. The money is deposited into the bank by either cash, check, or money order.”

    “But wait… how do you get the money to put into the bank?”

    “You withdraw it.”

  2. Amberon 15 May 2004 at 9:49 pm

    Those are some damn cute shoes! That’s a pretty nice accomplishment, if you ask me! 😉