Archive for May 14th, 2004

May 14 2004


Published by under Random Thoughts

I don’t know if it’s part of the whole blogger’s block thang, but I seem to be incapable of accomplishing much, if anything at all, during my waking hours these days. Yet the time blurs by magically. Where the hell did the week go? I think, as I realize that today is in fact Friday again.

Here’s the sum total of my accomplishments du jour:

– Sent a birthday card.

– Actually put in contacts and applied make-up for a change.

– Bought a pair of completely adorable and utterly unnecessary shoes.

– Replenished the wine supply.

– Tried to call my Mom (no answer, so no credit, since she doesn’t have an answering machine or voicemail).

– Got money out of the bank.

That’s pretty much it, and it’s almost dinner time. Am I in a time warp or a wrinkle in time or something?

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