Dec 04 2003

Temporarily Yours

Published by at 2:37 pm under Uncategorized

Don’t you hate it when you break up with someone and they’re already dating someone else by the end of the week? Well, I have become one of those people and now have a temp job at an investment bank just days, or even hours, after heartlessly breaking the heart of the hell job by dumping its ass. At least I had the decency not to rub it in by informing my ex of its swift replacement, unless someone spills the beans at recess or the ex reads it in the tabloids or something.

Even if this job is hell, too, I know it’s only for a few weeks, and they’re paying quite a lot since it will be over the holidays, when normal people don’t want to work. It’s about time I got off my ass and got back to work.

I don’t know what is the matter with me. I mean, I lost my job of more than 7 years 4 months ago, and shouldn’t I be panicking? Yes, there was generous severance pay and unemployment and the hell job to keep the wolf from the door, but this is one expensive city and we have a (not inconsiderable) mortgage and (not inconsiderable) property taxes to pay. Maybe it’s a mid-life crisis, or a nervous breakdown lite, but I’ll never know since my therapists won’t stop hitting on me and I’m way too shallow and silly to figure it out on my own.

My niece may have gotten it right when she said, “The trouble is you are a creature of comfort. You were born to enjoy the spoils of another’s labor, for which, in return, they get the pleasure of your company and a hot chick to take places. However, fate has interfered with God’s plan. That’s why you don’t feel inclined to work. It’s not a mid-life crisis, it’s your spirit knowing something has gone horribly wrong. This is how we know God is a man. A woman would not have allowed this sort of oversight to occur.”

Makes sense to me.

So I’ll just do my temp job through the holidays and see what happens in the New Year. It could be pretty much anything.

4 responses so far

4 Responses to “Temporarily Yours”

  1. Michelleon 06 Dec 2003 at 2:04 pm

    You do whatever makes you happy. As long as you can keep your head above water, then relax and the right job will come to you. (Just remind me of my own good advice when I am in the same situation, will you?). It has just gone midnight and I am sitting here updating our website because the boss is having a social life so he could not do it. I must remember to remove the word Sucker from my forehead. Despite that Suzy, I enjoy my job and get a decent wage – so I put up with it (for the moment) – so do whatever you feel is right and open yourself up to receive those positive vibes from jobs coming your way in the new year.

  2. Amberon 08 Dec 2003 at 8:22 am

    I think your neice is brilliant! That sounds very reasonable to me. (and it seemed very well written, in my very limited knowledge of what is and isn’t well written! Is she an artist or a writer?)

  3. LisaBon 08 Dec 2003 at 8:57 am

    Your niece sounds awesome.

    I hope you get paid an obscene amount of money for working over the holidays – you deserve it!

  4. Candion 09 Dec 2003 at 8:08 am

    Hehe, you’re right that your niece is a lot like you. Are you sure she’s not your love-child that was then handed off to Beth? How funny!