Dec 28 2003


Published by at 8:51 pm under Uncategorized

Yet More Updates

There’s no escape for Megan at work, either. She went to work at 7 this morning, dealt with a car crash involving a 17 year old kid (he lived), to which our brother was also called in his capacity as fireman (he says you never get tired of driving the fire truck as fast as you can with all the sirens going), before heading off to a fire meeting. Meg went back to the hospital, cleaned out the ambulance, then went to check on Mom, only to find that she had been moved to Intensive Care.

Beth & I headed over right away. Megan paged Jonathan, who arrived quickly. She still has congestive heart failure and despite the medication she has been on for 5 days to wring the excess liquid out, it’s still building up in her lungs. We took it in turns to sit with her all day. They’re taking good care of her, but it’s impossible to know what will happen. It’s a waiting game now. I don’t even know what to wish for at this point, other than for her suffering to end.

6 responses so far

6 Responses to “Intense”

  1. Michelleon 28 Dec 2003 at 9:56 pm

    Just popping by to send you my best wishes and hope you and your mum are recovering nicely. Not long to go before its 2004 and you ARE going to have the best year ever.

  2. Colinon 29 Dec 2003 at 5:54 am

    Dammit Suzy, will you ever get a break?

    There’s really nothing anybody can say to make things better, but just know that your friends are near.

    Keep us updated 🙂

  3. Candion 29 Dec 2003 at 7:35 am

    Ugh, that must be such a horrible situation. She was doing so well for a while. I’m sorry. *hugs*

  4. Tamon 29 Dec 2003 at 6:22 pm

    Sorry you’re going through this, Suzy.

    Thinking of you and sending warm thoughts.

  5. aimon 29 Dec 2003 at 7:22 pm

    Hang in there Suzy. I hope everything begins to improve. Keep us posted – we are here for you.

  6. Kimon 29 Dec 2003 at 10:18 pm

    What a day! I’m so sorry to hear about what your Mom is going through, I pray everything is okay.