Aug 21 2003


Published by at 9:26 am under Uncategorized

Two words that are, in my nit-picky, linguistics major opinion, horribly overused are ?genius? and ?miracle?. I don?t believe I have ever encountered an actual genius in my many years on earth. Geniuses, to me, are the likes of Leonardo Da Vinci and Thomas Jefferson, not movie directors or fashion designers, for example, to whom the word is so meaninglessly and frequently applied. True geniuses are rare by definition.

The same applies to miracles. But unlike geniuses, I may have witnessed a miracle.

My mother is not only still alive, but she is visibly doing better. She is no longer on constant oxygen, and can even walk around the house. The doctors and nurses are amazed and at a loss for an explanation (though this is the usual state of the medical profession as far as I can see). Two weeks ago, all her vital signs indicated that she had days left at best, and she seemed to be dying before our very eyes. Hence all of Mom?s children assembling at her bedside, the trip to the funeral home, and all that.

But Mom is full of surprises, and this is a big one. We know it?s still a matter of time, but it looks like more time than we thought.

No-one understands why she has gotten so much better. Maybe it?s all the thoughts and prayers that have been coming our way from all over the world. Maybe it?s just a phase in the illness. Maybe it?s a miracle.

4 responses so far

4 Responses to “Miracle?”

  1. Kellyon 23 Aug 2003 at 6:00 am

    Wonderful news. When you’re saying a long, final goodbye to a loved one, every good day like that becomes a gift.

    You truly amaze me, Suzy. As always … sending positive vibes your way.

  2. Candion 23 Aug 2003 at 8:54 am

    I’m so glad to hear she’s doing better.

  3. glennon 23 Aug 2003 at 10:01 pm

    I don’t know about miracle. Genius is overused definitely. And Thomas Jefferson was not a genius by the way…

  4. terrilynnon 30 Aug 2003 at 2:15 pm

    What happy news for you and your family!

    I lost my father to cancer earlier this year. He had been released from his doctor’s care in September 2001, basically turned over to Hospice and sent home to die.
    He told me he was worn out and ready to go, and he certainly looked the part of a man dying of cancer.

    But he took his time about it, and got better. Once all the chemo drugs were cleared out of his system, he felt really good for nearly a year, and it was such a gift to all of us.

    I wish such a blessing on your family, and I will keep you in my prayers as your mother continues her journey.