Jun 05 2003
7:45 a.m., Vacation Suzy Time
It’s pretty non-Vacation Suzy to be up this early. But the combination of actually going to bed on the same day I got up on, and plans to have breakfast with Kathleen before she braves the traffic to return to Detroit were enough to get my aging yet fabulous Self out of bed at what amounts to sunrise in VS time.
The party was everything I could have wished for: Mary-Lou made me a cake from The Bride’s Cookbook; lots and lots to eat & drink; presents (sparkly!) and cards and conversation*. There really is nothing like your girlfriends, whether you have known them for a long time or the friendship is new. And these girls are all so accomplished, witty, charming and delightful to be with. It’s an evening I’ll always remember.
*Yes, guys, we talked about you. Yes, yes.
PS Kelly’s hair is really chic and stylish, so don’t listen to her complaints anymore. She looks great.