May 27 2003

Sick of Shopping!

Published by at 5:05 pm under Uncategorized

It seems that my absence from San Francisco causes disasters, natural and unnatural. Yesterday there was a sharp-ish earthquake (4.0 on the Richter scale), and when I was in Boston in March, the apartment building directly across the street from ours and my stepmother’s house in Wimbledon both burned down on the same day. I can’t be to blame being so far away when it all happened, but still, it’s a coincidence. And a damned good alibi.

So I’m in Toronto, where you can experience 3 out of 4 seasons in one day. It will rain hard and then go away, making it look like nothing ever happened. Yesterday it did this while still sunny, though I didn’t see a rainbow afterwards. At least it hasn’t been at all winter-like. This is especially good, since I seem to have lost the one jacket I brought with me.

I have only myself to blame, since I was all by myself on the trip. I’m pretty sure I had it when I checked into the hotel (carrying it, along with my luggage) but I haven’t seen it since. On my way out this morning, I asked at the front desk if they had seen it. Front desk called security, and he came out and introduced himself and then went to look for it. He didn’t find it, and then filled out a report about it. I felt like a total idiot at this point. Really, if I were less neurotic and could fly without the assistance of the two v’s, or were more attentive and could actually keep track of my own stuff, there would be no problem.

I told you I wasn’t a real grown-up.

So I went out to find a replacement jacket, and the process has actually made me sick of shopping. Yes, yes. You read it here first. Though it will undoubtedly wear off like the two v’s, right now I’m all shopped out.

I went all over the place, from the Eaton Center to Holt Renfrew and points of call in between, and nothing. Everything was either too formal (work-esque blazers) or too informal (variations on hooded zip-up sweatshirts). Even the Gap had nothing useful, and the fact that I was willing to resort to them when my brother and sister along with most of Mendocino County consider the owners of the Gap the root of all logging evil should tell you how desperate I was. At this point, as the rain poured down outside the Gap, my lost jacket had acquired perfection of epic proportions in my mind. It went with everything. It was neither too formal nor too in-; not too heavy or too light, and pretty with cool buttons. I missed it.

I ended up getting a dark blue jean jacket at Levi’s and getting a cab back to the hotel. But on the bright side, I stocked up on some Lush, so the shopping expedition wasn’t a complete loss. Think I’ll put that bottle of Oyster Bay sauvignon blanc on ice and go take a bath with one of my bath bombs. Then I will be ready to shop another day. But not today.

2 responses so far

2 Responses to “Sick of Shopping!”

  1. Daisyon 28 May 2003 at 9:43 am

    Having spent a day at the Eaton centre (waaaay back in the 80’s), you have my symphathy.

    A short sharp poke in the eye with a hot poker would be preferable.

  2. Candion 28 May 2003 at 7:54 pm

    Well, at least taking it and losing it is better than ignoring everyone who tells you to bring one and then freezing your ass off. Ahem. 😉