May 22 2003
Margaret Quotes
Why I love my stepmother, reason 493 in a continuing series. Her latest missive included her views on Muslim extremists:
“Mohammed has managed to keep his adherents much more successfully than Jesus Christ.”
And, further:
“Why aren’t these testosterone-filled youngsters chasing girls and listening to rap music and taking “grass”? I am sure that is far less harmful to society than suicide bombing.”
No wonder my father loved her so much. I bet he’s laughing, wherever he is. I know I am.
So I’m back from the doctor’s, and I’m perfect, of course. Nothing wrong with me except I’m getting old. But first for the good stuff. She’s a new doctor to me, and I really like her. She has her waiting room furnished with antiques and real books. She brings her dog Daisy to work with her (Daisy is a mutt rescued from the pound, too, so bonus points for that), and Daisy kindly washed my face and played with me while I waited.
She talked to me with my clothes on before getting down to business, rather than making me sit around shivering and undignified in a paper gown (she agreed with me that really, gown is superfluous since she has now seen my bod from angles even I haven’t, but apparently some people feel it gives them some shred of dignity). When she weighed me, she asked if I knew what I weighed and I said no. She asked if I wanted to, and I said no. So she said, “Don’t look and I won’t tell you” and I still don’t know. Ignorance = bliss, remember?
The paperwork and instruments of destruction were located on an Art Deco cocktail cabinet among the potted orchids, and a breeze came in through the open window. It was as pleasant a doctor experience as I could ever have.
Apparently the girl weirdness I have been suffering lately is “peri (or para?)-menopause”, or the opening act for the big show of actual menopause. Like most opening acts, it goes on too long, in this case around 10 years. But at least nothing’s really wrong. Or as the doctor put it: “You’re in great shape, there’s nothing wrong with you, you look ten years younger than you are. You’re a lucky girl. Now get out of here.”