Apr 17 2003


Published by at 6:20 am under Uncategorized

What with the grey skies and the girl grossness along with general, post-company blahs, the idea of walking home yesterday up the vertiginous slope of California Street was even less appealing than usual. I gave in to my innate laziness, which lurks very close to the surface and is never far away, much as I try to hide it with work and going to the gym and running errands.

Instead of dragging Self up the hill as usual, I jumped on the cable car. It seemed well worth the $2 not to have to expend the unnatural effort required to climb Mt. California, and as visitors on the street and on the cable car merrily took pictures of each other, I wondered how many vacation pictures of total strangers I appear in, just from giving in to my laziness and taking the cable car and/or living in such a pretty place.

As we were pulled up the hill by the giant underground cables, we passed a cable car going the other way. The brakeman on the other cable car was wearing an Oakland A’s baseball cap along with the standard uniform. This really seemed to disturb the brakeman on my cable car, because he leaned out and shouted, “Take off that hat, brother! This here the Giants’ town!” He did this no fewer than three times in the short time it took for the other car to pass us, and I think he was serious. However, the A’s fan paid no attention at all. His indifference was really quite superb.

2 responses so far

2 Responses to “Rivalry”

  1. LisaBon 17 Apr 2003 at 8:26 am

    Every time you mention the streetcars it makes me want to hop on a plane and visit SanFrancisco.

  2. Candion 20 Apr 2003 at 8:04 pm

    Bwahaha! I’m certainly glad to hear San Franciscans get worked up over baseball. We were starting to worry about you guys (in general, I know you and John don’t like sports) not having anything to do with your hometown’s football team and all.

    Or maybe we’re just used to rambunctious Chiefs fans? Hmmm…