Mar 12 2003

Theory & practice

Published by at 6:47 am under Uncategorized

You know how some ideas seem great as theory, but in actual practice, not so much? This week has been like that for me.

Because I live in the US of A, where vacation time is harder to come by than an intelligent and moral politician and is more precious than platinum or saffron, I thought I could use my vacation time best by working a few hours a day while my stepmother was visiting. So theory is:

Work four or so hours, then go to the gym, get cleaned up, spend the afternoon and evening with Margaret.

Practice is: do all that, stay up late eating and drinking to excess, sleep for 5 hours, do it again. I forgot to factor sleep into the equation. I only have to get through today, though. Then tomorrow I’m going to work all day, go home, get packed, and go to the airport. After this week, I should be able to sleep the sleep of the worn-out on the plane tomorrow night, especially with the indispensable help of drugs and alcohol. Hey, maybe I’ll finally get to be that person on every flight who passes out before take-off and doesn’t wake up until arrival!

One response so far

One Response to “Theory & practice”

  1. LisaBon 12 Mar 2003 at 8:51 am

    You sound like you deserve a week at a nice, all-inclusive, pampering spa in a beautiful tropical locale.