Jan 22 2003
Trip Report Part 1
There are just so many laws of physics that I really, really hate, even though I am the daughter of a scientist. Gravity springs to mind, at least as far as its effects on one’s shell as time progresses. Another one is for every action, there is a reaction, meaning: if you take an extra day off from work to play in Chicago, you will have to somehow make up all that work in the few days remaining in the self-shortened week.
So I got home on Monday night, went to work first thing on Tuesday morning, when even the sun, who couldn’t complain about jet lag, was still in bed. I worked like mad all day, went to the gym, went home and did all those domestic chores, including calling my mother, and now I’m back at work again, and I’m still not caught up or close to it. But I’m going to sneak a few minutes to tell you about my trip anyway. So there. Still the faux grown-up.
Chicago is a completely fabulous city. I believe that San Francisco, where I live, is one of the most beautiful cities in the world, so I know what I’m talking. Chicago is full of beautiful, beautiful buildings, both old and new. The trees lining the main streets were wrapped in tiny white lights, and with the effect of the wind, the movement and sparkle at night was spectacular. You have to know a carbon junkie like me would just love that effect.
The Art Institute is world class. The building is, of course, lovely – the walls around the grand main staircase are hung with architectural details rescued from destroyed Chicago buildings, including some by the great Wright himself – and so is the collection. It was wonderful to see some paintings I have loved for years in real life (Caillebotte’s Paris Street, Rainy Day; Seurat’s A Sunday on La Grande Jatte, among others), and the lighting was perfect. That doesn’t sound like much, but trust me, it’s essential. The lighting in the Hermitage, which also has a world-class collection, is so bad that you have to be a contortionist to get a good look at anything. But not in Chicago. It was pure pleasure. And how often does one get the chance to say that about anything?