Archive for November 3rd, 2002

Nov 03 2002

Grown-up food?

Published by under Random Thoughts

I ask you: is this the diet of an adult? Even a faux one like me? Here’s what I ate yesterday:

1 cup of perfect black coffee

1 nicely ripe organic Bartlett pear

[serious degeneration about to occur]

1 exquisite old fashioned doughnut from the best place in San Francisco (Bob’s)

“Buttered” popcorn in amounts difficult to quantify

About half a gallon of Sprite, for some reason

1/2 bag of chewy SweeTarts (not a good idea, in case you’re wondering. Stick with the classics in this case)

2 pieces of pizza

1 piece of Entenmann’s pumpkin pie, and it’s not even Thanksgiving yet

What was I thinking?

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