Archive for June 10th, 2002

Jun 10 2002

Remain in Light

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Man, I hope the weather stays this way for Candi and Brian’s visit this weekend. Well, Brian will be here tomorrow, but no Candi for us until late Thursday night, so late that it will practically be Friday.

It’s bright, sunny, and pushing 80? F or 27? C for those of you unfortunate enough to be subject to Celsius, aka Centigrade (and what’s the difference, anyway?). Even though I lived in the semi-Metric hell that is Canada for a few years, I never did get used to the whole Metric thing. I had spent my formative years with feet, yards, inches, and gallons, so it was way too late for me to figure out centimeters, meters, and so on. I never did. 27? still sounds cold to me.

Anyway, I hope it stays bright and sunny and the City is at its pretty best. I had company for the first weekend of June and it was windier than Chicago. Ever notice when you go to visit someone, the weather was always great the week before you got there, or improves dramatically the week after you leave?

So, if you were going to spend a weekend in everyone’s favorite city on a warm, sunny day, what would be tops on your list to do and see?

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