Apr 26 2002

Love/Hate: Cary Grant

Published by at 6:53 am under Uncategorized

It’s not even 7 am yet, and the day is already a total pain in the ass, even if it is Friday.

I have jury duty at 1:30 this afternoon, so I will almost certainly be there until 5:00. Following that, I’m having dinner with my aunt, the undisputed queen of the insult lightly veiled as a compliment, though it can be entertaining to observe this art form if I’m in the right state of mind, but I’m not.

I am convinced that I’ll be chosen for a jury at the 11th hour and it will be a Beowulf of a trial: long, boring, and a requirement. I am further convinced that I will have to keep up the manic pace of this week, getting to work at 6 am and working as long as I can before heading off to Skankville for jury duty. However, my bosses appear to think that I am going to sit on a beach and am slacking. Hmmm.

This morning, we discovered our iMac was in a coma, despite having had an extended and expensive hospital stay exactly two months ago. So no e-mails and no blogging for me until it revives, if it does.

Then, just before we left the house, we couldn’t find Hannah. Our routine is to give the cats treats before we leave for work, so they are busy eating and don’t give us the “How could you?” faces. I can never make them understand that we have to go to work to keep them in food and litter.

Anyway, we couldn’t find Hannah and spent about 15 minutes looking for her. Then she magically appeared from her mystery hiding place as if she’d been there all the time. So then we were late, and the whole day is going to be a rush of annoyances leading to the ultimate annoyances of jury duty and passive-aggressive dinner. Bleah.

But here’s the love/hate for the week. See y’all Monday (I hope)!

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