Archive for April 21st, 2002

Apr 21 2002


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Just back from spending the day with our friend Carrie and her daughter Miranda. Miranda was an unwitting guest at our Thanksgiving dinner (she was still having the finishing touches applied before being born on January 3), but I hadn’t seen her in real life before today.

Miranda is the kind of baby who makes people have more than one kid, or have one in the first place. She has big, angelic blue eyes and seems to be completely happy with the entire world. The only noises she made the whole time I was there were giggling and cooing. She smiles a lot.

So Carrie and I were able to have hours of sitting peacefully in her backyard chatting. Carrie lives in Oakland, and in her backyard there are lemon trees, grapefruit trees, and palm trees. There were hummingbirds, butterflies, and dragonflies. Jasmine was blooming. Maybe all this was keeping Miranda entertained.

Carrie shares a beautiful house with three or four roommates, though the house has been sold and they all have to move in about six weeks. It’s a Craftsman house, built around 1910 or a little earlier. It is huge (7 bedrooms), with lots of fireplaces, porches, original copper light fixtures and original tilework, etc. It’s gorgeous, and charming. I have to admit that I felt much more envy for the house than the baby. Which is probably why I have a mortgage and four cats, instead of four roommates and a baby, however beguiling.

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