Mar 25 2002


Published by at 11:01 am under Uncategorized

Well, I needn’t have worried about my trip to England conflicting with Candi and Brian’s visit in June. I just got back from the United ticket office, where I learned that there are no upgrade-able seats available on non-stop flights between San Francisco and London in June or July. Some flights have one seat, but that’s no help when two of you are travelling together, and I can’t stand to change planes (increases your chances of death if you have more take-offs and landings, and it makes a long trip even longer). We could be waitlisted, but what if the waitlist doesn’t clear?

So it looks like we’ll be going in September instead, which is probably just as well.

One response so far

One Response to “Delay”

  1. Colinon 26 Mar 2002 at 11:51 am

    Changing planes isn’t that bad really… to me, i like it because i love the hustle bustle of traveling and running through airports and getting plane tickets and going up to the counter and sitting and waiting, taking off, landing, all that stuff that most people can’t STAND, i love it.