Archive for December 19th, 2001

Dec 19 2001


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Today’s soundtrack en route to work: Red Elvises’ “I Wanna See You Bellydance”.

Seen en route: at a corner store (with a remarkably wide range of wine displayed in a plate glass window), an apparently permanent shrine to Mary against the far wall, but with a charming holiday twist. She is now framed with a huge lighted wreath, topped with a giant red bow and flanked by two plastic Santas, lit from within. All the bases are covered, right there.

For those of you wondering how my sister’s kittens are doing, they’re doing fine. They got home on Saturday evening, and the two other cats are pretty much disdaining them, but the kittens have each other to play with, so they don’t care. I wonder if they know they are finally home. They went from Mom’s neighbor’s place to being left in the street to being rescued by Megan and staying at Mom’s, then stuffed into a carrier and brought here on a plane, then at my place for a few days, then stuffed into the carrier again and driven to the country. I know I’d be confused. But just wait until they realize this is home. They’re going to be so happy!

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