Archive for December 18th, 2001

Dec 18 2001

Gimme Shelter

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Last year, I lost my parking place in the building next door, and I couldn’t find another one within a 12 block radius, so I drove my adorable car Josephine up to my brother Jonathan’s place in the country, where she has been living ever since. Jonathan has done a bunch of work on her and also has the fun of driving her, so it’s worked out pretty well.

Jonathan came back from a trip to Mt. Shasta on Monday to discover that the supposedly waterproof Goretex cover we bought last year had sprung a leak, and there was about a quarter of an inch of water sitting inside. This was especially annoying because Jonathan had taken Josie to the beauty parlor in the summer and had the whole inside steam cleaned, the top UV proofed, and the rest of the car cleaned and waxed. Now she’s just getting all mildewed and it’s very depressing.

We have decided that we have to get a carport for Josephine. The question is which one. We can get an all steel one for $1,500, or one with an aluminum frame with a domed plastic top and plastic sides, which costs about half of that. Basically, it’s a tent for your car, and they say it really is waterproof, unlike the stupid Goretex thing. It does have a two year warranty, too. I can’t decide if we should just spend the money and get one that is guaranteed for 25 years, or spend half of that and possibly have to replace the plastic coverings one every few years.

Any thoughts or ideas on this?

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