Archive for September 28th, 2001

Sep 28 2001

Friday morning

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I had some of the gingerbread from my junkie shopping spree with my customary cup of black coffee this morning. Breakfast of champions! Jack, of course, helped me clear the crumbs off my plate. I usually have toast instead of gingerbread for breakfast, and I save a little piece of toast for Jack every morning. So after she has eaten her own breakfast, she has some of mine, too.

Salon really annoyed me this morning. I clicked on the link to a story, and instead of the story, there’s a full-screen ad for Sprint or something. In the upper right hand corner is another link saying, “Click here to read story.” Now, this something that should be nipped in the bud immediately. When you click on a link for a story, you should be able to read the damn story, not an ad for some stupid thing you don’t want anyway. I guess our friends at Salon figured it would make a change from nagging us to buy Salon Premium.

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