Archive for August 3rd, 2001

Aug 03 2001


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My old friend (since high school, and no sex ever) Richard and I live about 8 blocks apart, but for some reason I never see him. Last week we finally caught up with each other and decided to meet for drinks at 5:45 this afternoon. At 6:15 I was wondering where he was. Called home, and Richard hadn’t called (is it weird to ask your husband if your “date” has called?) so I called Richard. He had actually forgotten he was supposed to meet me — guess that’s what happens when neither sex nor money is involved, though he denied it. While I was waiting, I overheard two conversation snippets:

Snippet One: One man to another: “I’m too old to groove.”

Snippet Two: Two guys are walking down the street together, and one says to the other, “Man, when my sister was talking to your parents like that, I really thought you were in trouble.”

I would love to know what that conversation was all about.

Richard and I finally met up and had a great time catching up, drinking Cosmopolitans, and eating jujubes (well, the bar had them right out there in little dishes). Eventually I had to remove the jujubes for Richard’s own good.

Richard has a beautiful new girlfriend, who, oddly, lives in the very same building Rufus and I lived in before we bought this place. He was asking me if I have a G spot, or have ever experienced that. I don’t think I have, but I promised to take an informal survey and let him know. In the interests of science and/or love, any girls (or for that matter, guys who know where it is) reading this blog, email me at suzy @, or just post your comments and experiences. Inquiring minds want to know.

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