Archive for July, 2001

Jul 10 2001

Start shopping early this year

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Finally, an exercise video just for me:

“I’ve found exercise makes me better. There could be a Johnny Rotten health video for Christmas.”

— Erstwhile Sex Pistol Johnny Rotten, revealing that even punks dream of washboard stomachs, in the U.K. Sunday People.

Even Johnny Rotten has endorphins and I don’t!

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Jul 09 2001

Buddy’s birthday

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Today is buddy’s 19th birthday. I wish I could hold him and pet him again. Hope I can get through the day without crying. I love you, Mr. Bud.

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Jul 08 2001


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Am a RETARD. Turns out the unsolveable problem was a capital letter. Thanks, Candi!

Today’s double bill: tragedy at sea. The underrated “White Squall” and “The Perfect Storm”. Both true stories, too. Hmmm, don’t think I’ll go sailing any time soon!

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Jul 08 2001


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I have spent all morning working on my new site, and am having a problem with one of the pages which I can’t figure out, so I’m taking a break before my head explodes.

Had an update from my sis, who made it safely to England. The flight was hot, crowded, full of screaming kids, and she had to check her backpack, which really annoyed her. Every time she goes to England, it rains, like she brings her own low pressure front with her — the opposite of our Dad, who always has sunny weather when he’s here for Christmas. Even though it’s July and it was 80 degrees the day before she arrived, it’s raining now. Poor kid.

Rufus and I had a fun porn double bill yesterday. He’s very good at coming up with good double bills with a theme. Yesterday’s was “The People vs. Larry Flynt” followed by “Boogie Nights”. I think both are great movies, and I also think both could have been a LOT grosser and graphic than they were. Both have great casts, style, and wit. I don’t agree with the critics who said that “People” glorified Larry Flynt. I think it shows him as the sleazebag he is, but a smart sleazebag. I also think it’s a real love story, however strange.

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Jul 07 2001

24 hour blogathon

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This is a great idea. A 24 hour blogathon, starting July 28 and going for 24 hours. You can either sponsor or be sponsored, but either way, it’s a wonderful way to support some of the charities you care about. If you need more incentive, Jerwin has promised to start the blogathon wearing 24 pieces of clothing, removing one each hour so he’s all Jerwin at the end. And you know he’ll do it!

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Jul 06 2001

Bon voyage!

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And speaking of airplane travel, my sister Megan is on her way to London this evening to spend two weeks with our Dad in London (with a brief side trip to Paris). Bon voyage, baby!

I wish they could come up with some magical method of getting you there without the horror of 11 hours in a sardine can, mostly over frozen wasteland. Why haven’t they come up with a Star Trek way of just zapping you over there? I’d way rather spend money on that than about 75% of the stuff tax dollars get spent on.

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Jul 06 2001

Air rage?

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Maybe the airlines should consider that air rage might have something to do with waiting in line forever to get checked in (I will never understand why the people in front of me take so damn long when I get checked in within 2 minutes), being endlessly delayed (on our recent trip to LA, Rufus and I spent more than twice the actual flying time waiting for a delayed plane), baggage being lost (worst case for me was having my luggage lost for 2 weeks and then having it turn up with big pink “RUSH” stickers on it. God knows where it went on vacation), and being packed into teeny seats at the mercy of other passengers’ elbows and conversation. Many domestic flights have cut down their food service — not that airplane food is ever gourmet, though it can be passable in business/first class — so you can add being hungry to the other lists of physical and mental malaise caused by flying. I’m not saying that some people don’t go nuts and act like assholes on planes — though possibly no more than they do on terra firma — but maybe if they were treated better to begin with, it would help.

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Jul 05 2001

Kitten update

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Update on my brother’s new kitten, Iggy. He’s been exploring inside and outside the house and hasn’t gotten into major trouble yet. That house is like a jungle gym for a kitten. Iggy even followed Jonathan out to the parking lot of his house while Jonathan was working on a car. Iggy amused himself by jumping back and forth across a ditch for nearly an hour. I guess you’re easily amused when you’re a kitten!

Mars, my brother’s old cat, is doing better in dealing with his new little brother. He was pretty mad for the first couple of days, which is only to be expected when you are 14 years old and have been king of the roost all that time. But now he’s sleeping upstairs with Jonathan, Iggy, and Jed the wonder dog, though not getting too close. I hope Mars will pass on some of his mousing skills, and that the two cats eventually get closer.

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Jul 05 2001

Independence Day II

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My mother’s deadbeat husband has been served with divorce papers! He can run, but he can’t hide. The court date is set for September 4, and he has the choice of appearing in court in San Diego, where he will be arrested by the Marines for desertion, or not showing up and having judgement go against him. My understanding is that after the judgement is made, his wages (he works at Home Depot in the warehouse, so let’s guess it’s about the same as pimply teenagers make at Mickey D’s — quite a career accomplishment for a 35 year old) will be automatically garnished, or whatever the word is, and sent to my mother. So maybe he won’t get away with it after all.

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Jul 04 2001

4th of July

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You can tell it’s Independence Day, because it’s foggy and cloudy. Yesterday was hot, sunny, and clear, but Ma Nature knows right when the 4th of July is and brings on the fog, almost every year. So most years, our fireworks display is just a bunch of colored fog accompanied by noise. Wonder how many people come here on vacation and are disappointed by the foggy fireworks? Probably as many as there are San Franciscans who can’t get on cable cars during the summer because they’re packed with tourists. Hey, Muni, why don’t you run more cable cars during the summer? At $2 a head, it will be worth your while.

Despite the weather, and despite the fact that I’m solidly half English, having an English father, I love Independence Day and all it stands for. I know we have our share of problems, but you show me anywhere that does it better.

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Jul 03 2001

happy anniversary

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Happy anniversaries to Candi!

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Jul 03 2001

happy birthday!

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A belated happy birthday to my fabulous niece Cat, who turned 19 yesterday! Happy birthday, baby!

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Jul 03 2001

I’m back!

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You probably noticed that Rufus didn’t write in my blog after all. Too busy getting into trouble and doing chores.

I had a great weekend in the country. It’s so beautiful and peaceful up there, and there’s time to sit in the hammock and read while hummingbirds buzz around the garden. My sister Megan and I helped our brother Jonathan to choose a kitten to adopt from the local Humane Society on Saturday. He’s white and tabby, with really cool markings, and is the perfect combination of cuddly and rowdy. One of the main items on the kitten’s job description is to get rid of the mice in Jonathan’s house, through intimidation or any other means necessary. Jonathan’s dog, Jed, doesn’t mind the kitten, but Jonathan’s 14 year old cat Mars is NOT the kitten’s biggest fan. Yet.

We took Jed swimming in the river on Sunday. It is amazing, but we had the place to ourselves, and all we could hear was the wind in the trees and the birds singing. How great is that when you’re in one of most populated states in the union? Jed had a great time chasing the ball in the water, I got a little sunburned, and it was so much fun!

Sunday also marked Megan & Rob’s 10th anniversary.

Jonathan made his famous chicken crepes for dinner, served with a fantastic salad and his homemade cider. After dinner, we sat in the hot tub and listened to an old radio play (broadcast by KNX in LA every night at 9:00 p.m.) on my 1933 Atwater Kent radio which Jonathan is restoring for me. It doesn’t get much better than that.

Back in the city now and back to work. At least it’s a short day today and the Fourth of July tomorrow!

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