May 12 2001
A person’s a person, no matter how small?
Oh, this is a tough one for me. While I do feel for the poor guy who lost his wife and baby-in-progress, I don’t think a 12 week old fetus is a person, I’m sorry. But if the father is bringing a lawsuit based on his bereavement, what else can he call the fetus? Calling it property is distasteful, to say the least, and it was a living creature.
But lawsuits like this lead inevitably to the issue of abortion, and in the current political climate in this country and with our state appointed leader doing everything he can to overturn Roe versus Wade during the next four years, it really scares me that a Supreme Court would rule a 12 week old fetus a legal person. It’s the thin edge of the wedge, and puts all of us women at risk. It isn’t much of a leap from there to the back street abortionists. Sometimes I feel we’re going backwards rather than forwards, and if Bush has anything to do with it, we’ll be back in the 19th century before we know it. Kiss your right to vote, own property, and have any control over your body good-bye, girls! Here comes the second Victorian age!
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