Archive for May 6th, 2011

May 06 2011


Published by under Country Life

Well, it appears that spring has sprung. The rhododendrons are in bloom, the birds are singing, the cats are scarce, and there’s pollen all over my car*.

The tulips have all blossomed. Only two of them were the frilly purple ones advertised on the package. There were a couple of yellow ones:

A sort of peony looking one:

And some spiky and frilly ones:

It’s kind of amazing to think that just a couple of months ago, they looked like this:

And a month or so before that, they looked like this:

Next year, I’ll plant them earlier and hope they’ll bloom earlier. Something is always flowering here, but there’s something special about something you plant yourself.

*The last time I was in the city, I noticed how country my car looks. Muddy wheels, paint scratched from the bushes on the narrow driveway, muddy paw prints all over the hood, and puff dust on the dashboard. Not to mention the pine needles on the floor and in the windshield wipers.

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