Feb 14 2010


Published by at 5:45 pm under Cats,Dogs,Henry,Schatzi

I do too fit!

Last night, Megan and I had a girls’ night in. Schatzi came, too, sporting a cute new collar* which unfortunately doesn’t really show up in this picture. Also it kind of gives her demon eyes, but it was so funny I had to post it anyway. After a couple of glasses of wine, Megan observed that it really was a girls’ night, since all three cats and the dog in attendance are girls. Coincidentally, Megan’s cats, Ramona (the Pest) and Harriet (the Spy) are sisters, but our brother has only ever had boy cats.

As we binged on “Sex and the City” and junk food, it soon became apparent that Henry Etta likes Schatzi.

Yes, this is the same cat who was so spooked by hearing dogs bark in a movie that she fled the room just a couple of months ago. Now, if Schatzi is curled up next to Megan and not me (dogs are always welcome on my couch), Henry will sit on her lap to be closer to Schatzi. She has sat close enough to touch the dog. If Schatzi is sitting or lying on the floor, Henry approaches her and sniffs her carefully. Schatzi is always polite to cats, so she takes this attention in stride, but I still think it’s funny that my stray cat has a crush on a pit bull.

When Henry went for a snack break, Schatzi seized the opportunity to try on Henry’s bed for size. Being a dainty-sized dog, she sort of fit, and clearly found it as comfortable as Henry Etta does. Though she gracefully gave it up when its owner returned. No wonder Henry has a crush on her!

*Just in time for Fashion Week**. It’s a soft yellow, and patterned with little flowers which might be daisies or might be sunflowers. Either way, it brings out her brindle coloring very nicely.
**Rest in peace, Alexander McQueen. So sad.

4 responses so far

4 Responses to “Crush”

  1. Joyon 15 Feb 2010 at 4:22 am

    Love hearing how Henry-Etta progresses in her new life. Very well too.


  2. Guyon 15 Feb 2010 at 4:58 am

    Henry has found a new life and new friends, what a change in this cat since I first heard about her, I really like the progress.

  3. Jenniferon 15 Feb 2010 at 6:35 am

    Love the names for Megan’s cats!

  4. suzyon 15 Feb 2010 at 8:07 am

    They live up to them, too. Harriet slinks around and is rarely seen, whereas Ramona is constantly asking for attention and clawing the house, etc. They are sisters, but very different.